How to Downgrade Asus Zenfone Lollipop Beta Test To Kitkat

 In order to downgrade From Android Lollipop Beta Test to Kitkat you need to download some Files

Download Files

Blob Files
TW system.img
WW system.img

Instruction on How to Downgrade Asus Zenfone from Lillopop Beta test to Kitkat

1. Extract the Blob and open the Folder WW and open a CMD windows inside the folder

2. Not Reboot you Device on DroidBoot or Bootloader and Follow the Command bellow

fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash fastboot fastboot.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader

3.  Your device is reboot again on bootloader This time we will Flash a system.img in order to downgrade  Download the TW system.img or WW system.img from my previous post you find the system.img inside the folder you will see that I am sure Do NOT reboot your Device just follow my tutorial lets go on no. 4 step

4. Find the system.img and open a CMD Windows where the files found and follow the ADB Command bellow

fastboot flash system system.img

5. Reboot your phone and Congrats your done on downgrading from Android Lollipop to Kitkat

Addition if needed

 This tutorial is after you Complete to flash the system.img and your booted for flashing the system.img

Procedure in flashing official Firmware after flashing system.img

1. we expect you already download the firmware now reboot to recovery
2. In Recovery menu Choose apply update from ADB
3. Now open CMD windows Where The downloaded Firmware is leaves example is now follow the ADB command below

adb sideload

And wait until you will see install complete , Asus Zenfone now your in the Official Asus Zenfone

 The Idea of this is if you want to downgrade is use a system.img to flash in the system and after you flash the system.img and you want to flash the official firmware you just go to recovery menu and use adb sideload and done